Seek Fair Compensation After A Scooter Accident With Our Attorneys’ Help
In the Los Angeles area, we are beginning to see more use of electric scooters, also referred to as e-scooters. Many people like to use them because of their smaller size and ability to get through congested areas quickly. However, larger motor vehicles can pose a significant danger to individuals who ride electric scooters, as other drivers often fail to see them in heavy traffic. As a result, e-scooter drivers can end up sustaining severe injuries from collisions. Conversely, pedestrians are also vulnerable targets and can quickly be involved in e-scooter accidents, especially if the scooter operator is driving while intoxicated.
If you have been injured as a rider or a pedestrian in an e-scooter accident, you need to speak with an accident attorney as soon as possible. You may be eligible to recover financial compensation for your medical bills and lost time at work. Contact KRA Legal, PC, of Torrance, California, and ask to schedule a free consultation.
Legalities Of Operating Motorized Scooters In California
The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) defines motorized scooters, such as e-scooters, as those with two wheels, a motor, handlebars and a floorboard, traveling at a maximum speed of 15 miles per hour. The DMV allows motorized scooters to be used only on bicycle paths, trails and bikeways, not on sidewalks. Users under age 18 are expected to wear helmets.
No registration of electric motorized scooters is necessary, but users must have a driver’s license of any variety and when not on paths and trails, must follow the same rules of the road that operators of other motorized vehicles do. Users should also follow the same crosswalk rules that pedestrians and bicyclists do. For left turns in traffic, users should dismount and walk while pushing their scooters.
What Are Some Common Injuries From E-Scooter Accidents?
Electric scooters are becoming more commonplace in the Los Angeles community, but with the new technology, there also comes a new set of problems. Scooter injuries are being reported more frequently by riders, other motorists, and pedestrians. Most scooter accidents are caused by negligent drivers who are not paying attention or are not aware of their surroundings.
Some of the most commonly reported injuries that arise from scooter accidents are the following:
- Broken bones
- Brain injuries
- Head and neck injuries
- Severe falls
Any of these accidents could result in long-lasting injuries that require extensive care. If you have suffered injuries, you need to speak with a scooter accident lawyer to discuss your potential case as soon as possible.
What Causes Scooter Accidents To Occur?
Scooters of all types are still relatively new in our communities, and many drivers are still not used to sharing the roadway with them. One of the biggest problems is rental e-scooters. Many of the individuals utilizing e-scooters are not adequately trained.
An electric scooter accident can occur anywhere, but in the Los Angeles area, some common issues are reported in connection with accidents. Some of the most common causes of e-scooter accidents include:
- Aggressive, reckless, or drunk driving by other motorists and the e-scooter operator
- Collisions at intersections due to distracted or inattentive drivers
- Individuals falling off scooters due to loose gravel or poor road conditions
- Scooter riders riding on the sidewalk or not giving the right of way to a pedestrian
Regardless of how you were injured in a scooter accident, you may be eligible to file a claim for compensation for your injuries. You need the help of an experienced Torrance injury lawyer who has successfully handled these types of personal injury cases.
What Should You Do After Being Injured In An E-Scooter Accident?
If you have been injured in an e-scooter accident, you should follow certain steps to ensure your well-being. The steps are as follows:
- Call 911 to report the accident. If you or another individual is severely injured, then request medical help as well.
- Gather evidence such as the name, driver’s license number of the other motorist, as well as their insurance information. If there were any individuals who witnessed the accident, be sure to collect their information as well. You can save time by taking photos on your cell phone. Also, be certain to ask the police for a copy of the accident report.
- If you did not consent to receive medical attention at the scene of the accident, be certain to have a medical professional evaluate you for any potential internal injuries that you may have sustained.
- Contact a qualified e-scooter accident lawyer as soon as possible to discuss the facts and circumstances that surround your case.
For more personalized guidance about what to do in any type of motor vehicle accident that injured you, contact KRA Legal, PC.
How Can A Scooter Accident Attorney Help You After You Have Been Injured?
After you have been injured in an e-scooter accident, you are probably anxious about the future and how you will pay your medical bills and survive financially because you are unable to work.
Electric scooters can be a fun and less expensive way to get around in the city, however, due to the fact that electric scooter drivers.
Suppose you have been injured while riding or by someone driving an electric scooter. In this case, you may be eligible to receive financial compensation to pay for your medical expenses and lost wages.
Get Legal Advice After A Scooter Accident
KRA Legal, PC, is a law group dedicated to assisting personal injury victims in obtaining a settlement that is in their best interests. We are proud to serve the residents of Torrance, California, and the Los Angeles area. We have a proven track record of going up against the insurance companies who often like to claim that driver is to blame for the accident. We are familiar with the tactics that insurers like to use when attempting to deny or underpay claims.
Contact our law office by emailing us or calling 310-774-4260 and schedule a free consultation. We will be happy to provide you with a free initial case review and answer any questions you may have about your potential case.