As summer draws closer, many people may prepare to host events at their homes. If people have a swimming pool, they need to take precautions to ensure guests will be safe in their home.
People may easily incur injuries around a swimming pool. According to, homeowners should make sure they place non-slip materials around the ladders and diving board so people do not slip as they enter or exit the pool. They should also install a ladder with handrails on each end of the pool. Additionally, it is a good idea to use a safety float line so guests know where the pool gets deeper.
Set pool rules
To keep guests safe, homeowners should monitor the way people use the pool. The American National Red Cross says that people should make sure an adult always supervises children in the pool. This adult should not use a cell phone or drink while watching the kids, as these activities may take a person’s attention off the children. Additionally, people should make sure that no one dives into the pool if it is not deep enough. Adults also should not drink alcohol before getting in the pool.
Install pool barriers
Pools may pose a danger to people even when they are not in use. It is a good idea to put a fence around the pool so no one falls in by accident. Homeowners should also put locks and alarms on doors that access the pool so they know if a child tries to go swimming without supervision. Some people may also want to install a lockable cover for extra protection. If people have an above-ground pool, they may want to remove the steps so people cannot access the pool.